About Me

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Welcome to my blog - My name is Jim Bull and I share this information with you in the hopes of helping you or a friend or family member in some way. Here you'll find motivational material, my views of life and some background info from my past. I help others live the life they've always wanted through the sharing of information regarding all areas of life.Please let me know how I can help you. Ezekiel 36:26

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rush Straight In

Rush Straight In

IMG_2646You don’t have a thousand years 
To become who you’re meant to be
You have only a moment in time
An unknown fleeting quantity.
Drink deeply from the cup
Of life you’ve been handed
Taste all that’s sweet
And endure what’s bitter
Remembering the purpose
For which you’ve been born.
Squander not your days
Nor your gifts
Instead, arm them and
Send them into battle
To bring to life
Those quiet, hidden, but
True desires of your heart.
Never pull back from the flames
As cowards who conspire
But rush straight in
To your heart’s desire.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Big Why

Why is it that we do the things we do?

Have you ever stopped to think about it?

What is it that makes you get up and let the dog out at 5am, wouldn't it be easier not to have a pet?

How about coming home to clean up after the kids everyday, whats it matter if the house is a mess?

Why do you drive the kids to soccer practice two nights a week in all kinds of weather? Wouldn't it be easier just to let them play video games?

Better yet, why do we get up out of bed and go to work everyday? Many times to a job that we don't like that doesn't pay us enough to fit our lifestyle.

Have you ever stopped to think about it?

Or maybe this, your "why" is so big that you work a second job or you spend less time with your family or do something you really don't want to do just to achieve your why.

WHAT IS YOUR WHY?  I hope you are thinking about it.

The best thing you can do today is figure out what your why is, the next step then is to define how you can accomplish it.

Think about it today...

How to find your "Big Why

Friday, March 15, 2013

What Are You Lookin For?

Have you really ever stopped and thought about it? Or are most of us just way too busy to even try?

Isn't that what life is, a journey to find your true calling or meaning?

Yeah, we all go through the daily motions of work, eat, sleep and then give whatever time is left over to family, friends and activities.

Wouldn't it be cool if things were the other way around?

A life where you could spend as much time doing what you want to do, then if there's any time left over do all that other stuff that we usually call the daily grind.

Here's my challenge to you for this weekend, unless everything is sailing right along like you'd like.

Take an hour to stop and think about what you would like to do with your life. Write it down, make a list. Then know if you really want to do those things you can.

How you ask, well that's a story for another day. 

What is my true calling