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Welcome to my blog - My name is Jim Bull and I share this information with you in the hopes of helping you or a friend or family member in some way. Here you'll find motivational material, my views of life and some background info from my past. I help others live the life they've always wanted through the sharing of information regarding all areas of life.Please let me know how I can help you. Ezekiel 36:26

Friday, March 15, 2013

What Are You Lookin For?

Have you really ever stopped and thought about it? Or are most of us just way too busy to even try?

Isn't that what life is, a journey to find your true calling or meaning?

Yeah, we all go through the daily motions of work, eat, sleep and then give whatever time is left over to family, friends and activities.

Wouldn't it be cool if things were the other way around?

A life where you could spend as much time doing what you want to do, then if there's any time left over do all that other stuff that we usually call the daily grind.

Here's my challenge to you for this weekend, unless everything is sailing right along like you'd like.

Take an hour to stop and think about what you would like to do with your life. Write it down, make a list. Then know if you really want to do those things you can.

How you ask, well that's a story for another day. 

What is my true calling

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