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Welcome to my blog - My name is Jim Bull and I share this information with you in the hopes of helping you or a friend or family member in some way. Here you'll find motivational material, my views of life and some background info from my past. I help others live the life they've always wanted through the sharing of information regarding all areas of life.Please let me know how I can help you. Ezekiel 36:26

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Let 2020 Be Your Best Year Yet

Hi everyone - hoping you all had a joyous holiday season. Christmas is a time that we are supposed to spend time with our family and reflect on the many blessings that we have received through out the past year.

Of course, the season can mean many different things to individuals depending upon your beliefs and outlooks. I know that not everyone feels Blessed at this time of the year. There could be many reasons you are happy but their may be many reasons why you're not.

I would ask you no matter what your current circumstances are, whether it was the best one ever or whether you were feeling lost and all alone, to believe the best is yet to come.

Of course that is entirely up to you and what actions and beliefs you partake in the coming year. I know many of you reading this already believe that we celebrate Christmas because of Jesus' birth. That God sent his son to earth 2000 plus years ago to carry the weights of the world and to set us free.

I'm sure that many too who may be reading this either don't believe or aren't quite sure what to believe. I'm also sure that if you've read this far that you either do know Jesus' love or that you are looking for an answer, wondering how 2020 could be your best year yet, or maybe just even a little better than what 2019 was.

At this point I could quote many scriptures from the Bible that I believe hold the keys to wisdom and happiness in this life, but today I want to quote you one of my favorites, Its not one we typically associate with this time of year, but one I believe is the key to success and happiness while we spend our years walking this earth.

Matthew 7: 7 says - Ask and it Shall be Given.

The Bible tells us that whatever we ask God for that if we believe thru faith, that it shall be granted to us by Him. Its such a simple concept yet so easy to forget or hard to believe. You see there is the key, knowing who God is and believing that he wants to Bless us beyond our greatest imaginations.

Please be careful here and use some wisdom however, because this can work for the good or bad.

I've been a believer in Christ for over 20 years now and I've found just recently again, even when my Faith lacks, that God comes through and takes care of me. In times of sadness, worry, financial struggles, it doesn't matter what you've been through and what you are going through today, that God has a great and glorious plan for you life.

That if you'll just be open and turn to Him, that He will make you smile again and again and Bless you with your greatest year ever in 2020. 

I know many have lost loves ones, are suffering with disease or sickness, maybe you've lost your job or way to support your family. I will tell you though, that if you want things to get better and if you open your heart to God that life can be grand. 

I'm not saying you'll become rich, or that your sickness will be cured, but I can tell you that your heart can be happy. It's up to you, the answers are at your fingertips, never easy but always worthwhile. Go ahead, give it a try, what do you have to lose compared to what you may have to gain.

If you need guidance on how to get started just reach out to us here or on FB, ask a friend, pick up a free Bible at a local thrift shop or just google it on your phone.

Go ahead, God is available and just waiting for your call.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Have You Done Your Mid-Year Checkup

Written for my racer friends but applies to anybody...

So, we’re midway through the 2019 racing season and I just wanted to check in to see how you’re doing, not only with your racing efforts but in your life as well.

With that question being asked - GOD WANTED ME TO TELL YOU, it shall be well with you this coming year. No matter how much your enemies try this year; they will not succeed.

You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals.

The paraphrase above comes from that little black book that I talk so much about – the Holy Bible. The scripture comes from one of the major prophets in the old testament.

Isaiah 3 (NLT) says:

10: Tell the godly that all will be well for them. They will enjoy the rich reward they have earned!
11: But the wicked are doomed, for they will get exactly what they deserve.

Now this can apply to everything you are trying to accomplish in life including your relationships with others, your work career, what you do for fun and of course your results on the racetrack.

There is a catch however and it’s found in the beginning of each of the verses above. You see whether you know it or not, God has great plans for your life. He wants you to have the best of everything.
But on the other hand, his competitor the Devil, he wants things to go the other way for you.  He wants you to crash, not to finish the race, not to get the things that God has so grandly planned for you.

I know the Devil tries to make the bad or wicked things look cool, but unfortunately, it’s just his way of leading you into the bad line, to get you to cut the course and as verse 11 above states you’ll get exactly what you deserve.

The good news is that if you seek God, that if you make the effort to learn how he would like you to live that you will finish strong, that you’ll earn the riches you so greatly deserve.

I would challenge you not to believe me, but to find out for yourself. Start each day by just talking to God and then listening to what you hear back. To download the Bible App and read just a little bit of scripture each day. It doesn’t matter which, just choose one and read.

You just might be surprised what you find.

As always, if you need help or direction, contact us here or at Jim Bull Talks on Facebook.