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Welcome to my blog - My name is Jim Bull and I share this information with you in the hopes of helping you or a friend or family member in some way. Here you'll find motivational material, my views of life and some background info from my past. I help others live the life they've always wanted through the sharing of information regarding all areas of life.Please let me know how I can help you. Ezekiel 36:26

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The 5 Most Important Things In Life According to Charles Stanley

From Jim Bull's October Chaplains Corner

“Obey God and leave all the consequences to him” – George Washington Stanley

Image by Jodie McCarthy

In an autobiography I’m reading by Doctor and Pastor Charles F. Stanley he claims this was one of the most important life lessons that his grandfather Pastor George Washington Stanley taught him that had a profound impact on his life.

He says in his book, as a matter of fact, if God told you to run head first into a brick wall to do it, and to know that God would make a hole to fit your head through by the time you arrived. What Faith!!
Charles Stanley, if you don’t know him is 86 years old and has been lead pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Ga since 1971. His “In Touch Ministry” over the years has been broadcast in 107 languages around the globe. Pastor Stanley has had a major impact on local churches and has changed the lives of millions.

I wanted to share with you the “Top Five” beliefs that he has incorporated into his life that he recommends that we do with our lives.

1. The most important thing in your life is your relationship with God.
2. Obey God and leave all the consequences to him.
3. God will move heaven and earth to reveal His will to you if you really want to know and do it.
4. God will provide for all your needs.
5. God will protect you.

I’m not sure your beliefs but would encourage you to step out on faith a little and give the above strategy a try.

2 Chronicles 16:9

The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely his.

For prayer or to learn more please contact us here or follow along on our Facebook Page – Jim Bull Talks.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lessons from the Congo - repost

I believe I wrote this for a church newsletter 3 - 4 years ago, but I can't say exactly when. I found it on my hard drive today while looking for some other material and thought it worth sharing.

Lessons from the Congo
By: Jim Bull

Every Sunday when I wake I wonder to myself, what lesson will I learn at church today? My family and I started attending New Danville about six months ago and I can honestly say that it was Gods Hand that led us here. The congregation has welcomed us with open arms and every time I attend I feel God working in my life and see him making a difference in my family’s life. 

This past Sunday would be no exception. As I awoke I remembered that we had a combined service and I told my family that we should get to Church a little early, that it was going to be crowded. I forgot completely however that we were having visitors from half way around the world.

As the service started the pastor from one of our sister churches took the stage and gave us some background on our visitors and then their worship team took the stage. They sang in a combination of English and French and my first impression was wow, this is really loud and it’s really not the way I worship.

Secondly I saw my young grandson and he seemed a bit afraid and I knew that his mother had been suffering from a migraine headache for a week. I’ll just be honest with you here because God already knows, I thought to myself, maybe we should have just stayed home today.

A few minutes into their singing however I could see the joy from the group in the message they were sharing. I saw members from the congregation with their hands in the air and people on their knees praising God. I looked at my daughter to try and get a read on her thoughts and she says to me, “Dad, this is awesome”. I asked her how her head was and she said it’s the first time in days that she had no headache. Yes, God is in control.

As the worship team finished and Pastor Maurice and his wife took the stage I was finding myself mesmerized in the message and totally impressed in the way that they praised and worshipped God. As they told their story I thought to myself about how weak my faith is at times, about how Iittle I really do to serve my God, the same God that they serve.

And again I hate to say it, but I thought it so I’ll share it. About how we as Americans and I’ll speak for myself here. About how I take for granted what God has provided for me and my family.  About how selfish I am with Gods message. About how I can set in a pew on Sunday mornings and not jump completely out of my skin for my love for Jesus. About how I can worship on Sunday knowing what Pastor Maurice and his family knows and not go sing it to the world.

I thank God that he delivered our Congo brothers and sisters to New Danville last Sunday morning. For their trials and tribulations and for the message of joy and thankfulness they share because of it. For their sold out belief that God is the only reason we exist, that he is leading the way and for reminding me that we need to be joyful and share the message of Jesus Christ to the world.

May God continue to bless their efforts and may they continue to be faithful to him. I know I am better for it.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Free Health and Wellness Seminar Lancaster, Pa. March 19, 2018

Do you struggle with your health, do you feel fatigued, stressed out or maybe feel like you could stand to lose a few unwanted pounds. Maybe you're looking for more energy or stamina to get through your day or improve your workouts.
Unfortunately most tradition diets don't work and many people just give up and except their current situation. If you'd like to feel and look your best and wake up everyday to have full control of your life then you owe it to yourself to at least come explore if this could be your chance at really doing it this time.

A tremendous opportunity exists this coming Monday March 19th in Ephrata. Lancaster County, Pa. to see if this nutritional system may be a fit for you. We have an expert from the Health and Wealth industry coming to town to share his 30 plus years experience on how you can improve your health and also talk about how you too can be a part of the multi billion dollar health and wellness industry if that is something you desire.

The event kicks off Monday evening and is purely informational. Space is limited however and as much as we want you to be there, we do need to reserve your seat for this life changing event.

Please contact me by text or phone as soon as possible: 717.951.5620 or contact me online

Please enjoy some other recent life transformations below.

This local personal trainer and body builder has achieved fantastic results.

My friend has lost well over a 100 pounds and has changed his life forever.

Think this hasn't made a difference in this couples life?

Don't hesitate - contact me today to reserve your seat and see if this may be the answer you've been looking for. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

Important Motley Church Update - What Does The Future Hold

Hey everyone, I wanted to share an update for those of you that are following along or even a little bit curious about this Motley Church thing I keep talking about.

Motley Church has seen different formats over the years and has had different core groups over the last three. End of summer last year Pastor Robert Brody and I met up to discuss this urgent call I was feeling once again on my life. After some good Sal's Pizza and an hour of conversation and prayer, Robert says to me, why don't we try to revive Motley.

Motley was the brain child of Rachel C. Rachel was a regular in a youth group that Robert ran at a different local church when she was in high school. As an adult she was curious and wanted to learn how to grow her relationship with God so she started coming to church. 

Like many of us however on most Sundays she would leave a sermon with tons of questions and not having a way to understand what she just sat through. Not that the sermon was bad, its just a little difficult in most churches to put your hand up and stop the pastor mid sermon. (see video below)

Then a week later you go back to maybe a totally different topic or lesson from the Bible, but still no answers.Some other early attenders of the group have been people who were curious but just not comfortable walking into a church setting for one reason or another.

So after some discussion with Pastor Robert they decided to launch a separate small group or gathering where people could come together to get answers, discuss what they were learning and really seek out the truth and guidance that the Bible has to offer. Hence Motley was born.

Fast forward to today. We  re-launched Motley in early October when I shared my testimony with a small group of people around a campfire. We've been meeting two Sunday evenings a month since then, sometimes to a large crowd and other times there's been only two or three, but each time we met, we've needed to be there for each other. 

Matthew 18:20

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."

Lets face it, we all have junk in our lives and there is nothing better knowing that somebody cares. That you have a safe place to go where you won't be judged and where you can find spiritual support and hopefully answers to whatever may be going on in your life, whether good or bad.

Anyhow - our biggest dilemma to date has been where and when to meet and how often do we do this, blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately its hard to accommodate everyone's schedules all the time but we have come to a change/decision on how to move forward.

Beginning Wednesday February 7th Motley will be meeting at New Danville Mennonite Church from 6:30 - 7:30 and we will meet every Wednesday night at the same time and place. We are also discussing once the weather gets a little nicer that we would have a Sunday night meet up once a month just to hang out and have fun at a park, do a picnic or some other extra curricular activity some where.

We know that Wednesday may be difficult for some but for the core group that's been attending that works best for now. We hope that any and all past attendees can make the schedule work, even if its only once or twice a month or maybe even our Sunday night meet ups. You'll also be able to follow along on our Facebook page and through my blog as I plan to keep regular lessons and updates here as well.

Our hopes are to discover the real truths in the Bible and to help each other do the same. If you are reading this and don't know whats in the book - we invite you. If you are reading this and do know whats in the book, we invite you too. No matter who you are, what you've done or what may have happened to you in your life, we invite you.

Motley is an open discussion forum where we all learn together, where you can come as you are and where we'll never judge you. We hope to see you all on February 7th as we will be starting our study of the book of Matthew that begins the New Testament. 

Thanks for reading this long post and we hope to see you then.


The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.