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Welcome to my blog - My name is Jim Bull and I share this information with you in the hopes of helping you or a friend or family member in some way. Here you'll find motivational material, my views of life and some background info from my past. I help others live the life they've always wanted through the sharing of information regarding all areas of life.Please let me know how I can help you. Ezekiel 36:26

Thursday, April 16, 2020

How Does Exercise and Nutrition Affect Our Immune Systems

In these ever changing times our lives are being turned upside down with the goal of not infecting  the masses with the dreaded CoVid-19 infection.  We know so little about this new flu or virus and information and guidelines are changing daily on what we are required to do to fight the battle. It can sometimes be overwhelming at the least.

One thing I do believe however is that the healthier we are, the better chances we have at fighting whatever new virus may come down the road. Since we are all on a "stay at home order' it was impossible for me to go out and interview any professionals on the subject.

So i did the next best thing and looked to the internet to try and learn some things. My disclaimer here is that I am not a health professional so please do your own research. I've listed all the sources for the below information and its up to you to decide whether its good advice or not.

I can tell you though, that since recently embarking on my own health improvement adventure that I feel better, have more energy and am sick less than I was just three short years ago.

So I went online and searched - Does exercise and nutrition improve our immune system which helps fight off sickness and disease. Below is what I found:

Does exercise help or hinder our bodies’ ability to fight off infections?

The latest science suggests that being fit boosts our immune systems, and that even a single workout can amplify and improve our ability to fight off germs.  March 4, 2020  www.NYtimes.com

Does exercise help your immune system?

Lifestyle changes like exercise and a healthy diet bump up your levels of IgA, a protein in your immune system that fights infections. It helps keep threats out of your body -- and zaps any that do get in.   April 16, 2020  www.webmd.com

What if I can't go to the gym?

Being in isolation without access to gyms and sports clubs should not mean people stop exercising, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Bath. Keeping up regular, daily exercise at a time when much of the world is going into isolation will play an important role in helping to maintain a healthy immune system. March 31, 2020   www.sciencedaily.com

What about my diet?

Good nutrition is essential to a strong immune system, which may offer protection from seasonal illness and other health problems. ... Vitamin A helps regulate the immune system and protect against infections by keeping skin and tissues in the mouth, stomach, intestines, and respiratory system healthy.  Dec 9, 2019  www.eatright.org

How can Protein benefit my body?

Protein is an important resource for enhancing immunity because it helps form the cells that operate the immune system. “The amino acids that are found in protein form the building blocks of all the body's cells – including the cells that power your immune system. Dec 1, 2017   www.biprousa.com

Healthy ways to strengthen your immune system:

Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as these:

April 6, 2020  www.health.harvard.edu

Don't smoke.
Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
Exercise regularly.
Maintain a healthy weight.
If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
Get adequate sleep.
Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
Try to minimize stress.

Click Here For Info


I know, you're saying enough already, I get the point. Let's face it, there are many things we can do to help stop the spread of this life threatening disease such as following the Presidents health guidelines on social distancing and hygiene. 

But taking the steps above and taking care of your body will not only help you get through this crisis but will prepare you for any more that come. Take it from a 50 plus year old baby boomer that's experienced a total revitalization in life. Just by loosing some weight and staying fit, you can get a new lease on life. 

If you don't already, now is the perfect time to start exercising and eating right. If you don't know where to start or need some help let me know.  I have access to a great plan for nutrition and I know some of the best trainers in the business.

Call or text 717.951.5620

1 comment:

  1. Positive site, where did u come up with the information on this posting?
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