It wasn’t very long that I was out of rehab that I moved back to my original hometown and I was hanging with some of the old crowd and a little bit of a new one too. We were really into drinking and we were all still underage. I believe I was home for less than six months and I got pulled over for speeding on my way home late one night and I was drunk so I got a DUI charge. Because of my recent stay in the drug and alcohol rehab the judge denied my ARD application and sent me off to jail to serve 48 hours behind bars and he gave me a year’s probation period in which they took my license for 90 days.
Again, I shrugged it off and continued on with my wild lifestyle showing no respect for anybody or anything. I had lost my license but it didn’t stop me from driving. I was on my way home from work one evening just a few weeks after my arrest and a car full of girls pulled up beside me on a two lane, blew their horn and waved and took off. Of course I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass me by so I was off on the chase. Just one mile down the road I heard the sirens and saw the lights in my rearview and thought oh crap. As I watched the car full of girls drive off in the distance I pulled to the side of the road to “deal with the police” so I could get on with my evening.
As the officer approached my vehicle I was quickly conjuring up a story. I told him that I left my license in my other car or something or the other so he told me to sit tight and that he needed to check with dispatch. As he came back to my car the first thing he did was advise me to contact a lawyer, that driving without a license on a DUI suspension was a mandatory 90 day jail sentence. I’m thinking, you gotta be kidding, and I’m not even drinking and I get 48 hours for driving drunk and 90 days for driving sober, what is wrong with this picture.
It turns out the officer was correct so off I went to the county jail a short time later. Fortunately I was able to get on the work release program so I could continue to work and party, after all it was all about the buzz. As I traveled back and forth to work I would still manage to smoke a joint and even sometimes do a little drinking, depending who was on duty back at the jail. The county prison was strategically placed only about three miles from my work so I never had trouble getting a ride. It’s funny how things work, I remember coming in from work one evening and there was one of the counselors from the drug rehab I attended. He was at the jail to interview another inmate for the program a whole county away. He took one look at me and just kind of chuckled and asked me why I was there. I told him my story and all he could say was, I think I told you so…
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