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Welcome to my blog - My name is Jim Bull and I share this information with you in the hopes of helping you or a friend or family member in some way. Here you'll find motivational material, my views of life and some background info from my past. I help others live the life they've always wanted through the sharing of information regarding all areas of life.Please let me know how I can help you. Ezekiel 36:26

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Selling Out - Are You All In

Hey All,

As I get older I sometimes wonder why I am even here. I mean, life on this earth is just temporary and sometimes so challenging but the word on the street teaches us that we are all here for a reason. Do you ever wonder what your purpose is, or why you are even here?

There is no reason known to humanity that I'm even still alive after the life I've led unless there is a bigger plan for me, a mission to fulfill, a difference to make.

I guess the big question for all of is, have we figured out what that is yet and if we have, are we sold out to it? This can apply to your home life, your job and most importantly the world around you.

Now I guess there are some of you that believe that we are just here and then we die and I don't get that because its not what my belief is. I'm also not here to try and change your belief, I would just ask you to reflect on your life and everything that happens around you and ponder whether or not it can all be for nothing.

For those of you who do believe that God created you for a purpose then I'll ask you - have you pondered what that purpose is? I know its difficult, we are always searching for that answer and I personally believe that I have found it but won't always acknowledge it because its not always what I want for my life. How about you, do you know why you're here and are you sold out to it if you do?

I would challenge everyone to search, to pray, to follow those nudges from the Holy Spirit and discover what your true purpose in life is then sell out to it, to give it everything you've got and to make a difference not only in your life but in the world around you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Motocross For Christ Camp - 2016

Hey All,

I just wanted to reach out with a short post and thank all that attended for making 2016 another great year at camp. I've attended just about every camp ever held since the beginning way back in 2004-05 time frame. Each and every one has been a blessing to me and I just wanted to thank everybody who helps make it happen.

The group from the second camp of the week.

The format changed a little this year for camp. In years past camp would be held at two different locations at different times of the summer. To ease up on volunteers this year both camps were held back to back in the same week at the beautiful Miles Mountain MX facility in Tioga, Pa - truly God's Country.

This year again between the two camps we ministered to over 100 campers and many more adult volunteers and parents. Once again God decided to bless the efforts and multiply and a total of eight people were baptized at camp.

Baptisms from the first part of the week.

Motocross for Christ is a non profit organization that "Connects Kids To Gods Love Through Motocross". Each camp offers faith based learning, motocross training, service projects, testimonials, great fun and entertainment and a peaceful solitude that only God can bring.

For more information or to attend a future camp please follow them on their Facebook page and please share that information with all your friends.