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Welcome to my blog - My name is Jim Bull and I share this information with you in the hopes of helping you or a friend or family member in some way. Here you'll find motivational material, my views of life and some background info from my past. I help others live the life they've always wanted through the sharing of information regarding all areas of life.Please let me know how I can help you. Ezekiel 36:26

Sunday, October 13, 2024

New Free Speech Platform Now Available to all - called Re: Public

 Hello Patriots,

As you all know, we are less than a month away from one of the most important elections this country has ever seen. This day in November could very well go down as the day that America was won or lost.

It is critical as we approach the election and even more so beyond, that the truth be shared for all to see and hear. There is so much information out there and technology has developed to a point that's its sometimes very hard to determine what is real and what is not.

One of the biggest questions you ask is, who's truth are you referring too? And, are the things we are seeing and hearing in the mainstream media actually what is truly happening.

Even more so, what is really happening out there that they are distracting us from?

Here's the good news and where we need your help

Re:Public the platform has just been released by Colonel Douglas MacGregor and a team of true Patriots that want to restore America and the FREE SPEECH we were founded on, 

We are looking for everyday American Citizens who love their country to join the team of "citizen journalists" to help share the happenings and truths for your town, city or state. We need eyes and ears on the ground to help Americans get the real story.

No special talents are needed, just an internet connection and your willingness to report the truth as you see it on a platform that doesn't discriminate, eliminate or try to cancel our voices completely.

Check out the video below to get a better feel for what Re: Public is and how you too can become a part of restoring our nation back to it's true greatness.

Thanks for watching and I urge you to join the movement and to share this with everyone you know.

Join the cause by: Clicking Here


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