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Welcome to my blog - My name is Jim Bull and I share this information with you in the hopes of helping you or a friend or family member in some way. Here you'll find motivational material, my views of life and some background info from my past. I help others live the life they've always wanted through the sharing of information regarding all areas of life.Please let me know how I can help you. Ezekiel 36:26

Sunday, October 13, 2024

New Free Speech Platform Now Available to all - called Re: Public

 Hello Patriots,

As you all know, we are less than a month away from one of the most important elections this country has ever seen. This day in November could very well go down as the day that America was won or lost.

It is critical as we approach the election and even more so beyond, that the truth be shared for all to see and hear. There is so much information out there and technology has developed to a point that's its sometimes very hard to determine what is real and what is not.

One of the biggest questions you ask is, who's truth are you referring too? And, are the things we are seeing and hearing in the mainstream media actually what is truly happening.

Even more so, what is really happening out there that they are distracting us from?

Here's the good news and where we need your help

Re:Public the platform has just been released by Colonel Douglas MacGregor and a team of true Patriots that want to restore America and the FREE SPEECH we were founded on, 

We are looking for everyday American Citizens who love their country to join the team of "citizen journalists" to help share the happenings and truths for your town, city or state. We need eyes and ears on the ground to help Americans get the real story.

No special talents are needed, just an internet connection and your willingness to report the truth as you see it on a platform that doesn't discriminate, eliminate or try to cancel our voices completely.

Check out the video below to get a better feel for what Re: Public is and how you too can become a part of restoring our nation back to it's true greatness.

Thanks for watching and I urge you to join the movement and to share this with everyone you know.

Join the cause by: Clicking Here


Sunday, January 14, 2024

The History of Motocross for Christ

 A Pennsylvania based ministry that "Connects Kids With Gods Love Through Motocross" 


 By: Jim Bull

The original logo created in 2007

Have you ever spent a week with 100 other like minded individuals in the presence of  "Gods Love" while leaving behind the news, your cell phone and the generally hectic pace that life throughs at us while doing something you truly love doing?

I imagine its a feeling that can be found in many other places but certainly a feeling you will experience while attending a "Motocross for Christ Camp".

Oh what a  blessing that I have been fortunate enough to be a part of since almost the very beginning. 

I recently received a call from new Camp Director Scott Passerini asking me if I could put together a history of this wonderful camp that he and a Christ loving group of volunteers has been so greatly blessed with the task of pressing forward with.

The mission or vision has always been the same.

It was the summer of 2008 and I received a call from a gentleman asking me to come to a local motocross race track to check out this new ministry that he had started. We didn't know each other at the time and Steve as I'll call him here didn't have any inkling as to my beliefs, but he knew that I owned a local motocross racing publication and he was looking for some promotion. 

He was super excited about what he had going on and the track they were at was a client of mine so I was all in. What Steve didn't know was that I was a Jesus freak myself and was also super excited to learn about what he had going on. 

This was the second year of camp as I would later learn and Steve was a racer that had a calling to "connect kids with Gods love through motocross". That the year prior, he and another racer friend held their first camp in a back yard in Schuylkill county with seven kids in attendance and it was a big hit.

Back to year two, Steve and his wife had spent months contacting track owners, sponsors, trainers and potential attendees. When I arrived at camp it was day three of three and things were in full swing. If I remember correctly there were around 30 kids in attendance plus volunteers and trainers. The riders were broken down by age and skill level and three groups were created to rotate through different stations of Faith based learning and riding instruction. The groups were labeled, Faith, Hope and Love.

This Photo is from year five at Wicomico Motocross Park in Southern MD.

Needless to say, I fell in love with what was going on that day and I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Steve and I had many conversations in the coming months and I did my best to help the cause. We turned on the promotion machine and by the following year with the help of so many individual volunteers, dealers and sponsors we found ourselves at a track in Breezewood, Pa and we had over 100 kids attend a single three day camp. 

Wow and thank you Lord was about all we could say. God was at work but everyone realized that 100 was too many to manage for one camp.

Meanwhile, Steve was doing trackside ministry at the races and he started recruiting other individuals that were doing smaller ministries at different tracks and it wasn't long before there were quite a few tracks tied into the Motocross for Christ banner and doing Saturday and Sunday ministries at local tracks. No rider training was provided but God surely was at work. 

Year four saw the need to do two camps to handle the amount of interest the camp was receiving. It's ironic because in the beginning many track owners and trainers were reluctant to get involved, maybe because of their belief systems or possible schedule conflicts. Whatever the reason I don't think they were quite aware of how many individuals and families were looking for ways to not only feed their need to participate in a sport that they loved, but to feed their souls with Gods love.  

1000's of riders participate in Motocross racing each year in the PA region alone.

At this point in time the ministry was still very small but growing faster than the resources available. The two times a year camp concept was working but I remember a few camps at this point where Steve was calling and saying, we don't have enough money to cover costs. What are you going to do I'd ask and he'd say, I don't know but God does. All the time more and more people were getting involved and guess what. God took care of the bills - Amen. 

Then I remember one early Saturday morning while still laying in bed, my cell phone rang. My wife and I were awake so I looked at the phone and saw it was Steve's wife calling (his name wasn't really Steve and we are getting to that part). I thought it odd she would be calling so early on a Saturday morning.

She said, Jim I don't know how to tell you this but Steve is missing, he's slid back into his addiction again and he took some money from the ministry account and was last seen at a local bar. It was another "wow" moment for me as I guess you can imagine. My first response was that I didn't know he had a past history and what do you mean by "again"? Well it turns out that this was the second time this had happened since camps had started but she was really worried this time. 

Romans 3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

So please remember Paul's words to the Romans from above as we continue. I myself had a long history of addiction and jail time in my past and had given my testimony many times at camp. It was beginning to become clear why Steve would never give his. I had asked him many times to but he always said he was just too busy running camp and wanted to give others a chance to speak. 

Eventually he surfaced and tried to convince us all that it was just a weekend binge, something that he had to get out of his system and that he would be fine moving forward. A group of us spent the next year trying to work through that and finally came to the conclusion that he had to get some professional help before continuing to be a part of the ministry. Again, Please remember the below:

So at that point he did turn the ministry over to a family from the Bucks county area and got enrolled in a program to fight his struggles with drugs. Unfortunately the last I heard, he had been in and out of that program and neither I or the ministry have not heard from him since. I believe he is still local so please keep him in your prayers, pray that he has beat his demons from the past and that he is in a drug free and loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

So the good that came from above was that camps continued on, please remember that God is always faithful. A whole new group of families and volunteers that had been attending and working within the camps were ready to take it to the next stage of life. The two camps a year format continued but they were combined back to back over a one week time period to ease with volunteer demands. So many for so long have used there time off from work and their family vacation time to pull off these camps. Each and every one of you are awesome and I'm sure greatly favored by God. Thank you so much for all you've given to all from the very beginning. There are way to many names to name and mostly because I could never remember or even know them all.

One of the downsides obviously first and foremost was Steve's downfall but also many of the original volunteers did not stay involved. In my eye another huge loss was the network of local chaplains at the tracks kind of dissolved, There are at least two warriors out there still fighting the fight that I know of, but there were many who stopped for one reason or another and in my eye that's just Satan getting another foothold on another hill that we had previously won.

Don't lose hope however because there is always tomorrow and remember - God is faithful

It wasn't long after this that because of the efforts of the new group of directors, volunteers and sponsors and of course "Gods Dive Intervention" that camps were back moving full speed ahead. Please take a few minutes out of your time to get a feeling for what Motocross for Christ Camps are all about by watching the video linked below and please watch to the end to get the full feeling. 

Click Here For Video From Camp

The video above was from a camp at Miles Mountain Motocross in 2016. I believe it was the first time that any Baptisms had taken place at a camp and there were eight that year. Since then many more have not only learned more about Jesus and developed their riding skills, but many have found salvation with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Its not only the campers that we've reached, its their parents, the volunteers, the track owners, the sponsors and many trainers as well. God has greatly moved mountains to keep this all together.

Fast forward a few years and Covid obviously hit. Even through all its ups and downs I believe that 2019 was the only year since the beginning that camps didn't take place.  At this point however the current director group was thinking about an exit plan, about who could take over the reins and once again take this fully blessed ministry to its next level. Enter Scott Passerini and BC Motocross.

Scott and his family and friends had been attending camp for a few years and had also been doing their own one day camps at his property where kids would show up on a Saturday, get some Jesus and then go ride dirt bikes. 

Scott is pictured here with a group of kids at a camp at Pagoda MC

He and Jason, the now previous camp director began talks and in the spring of 2020 Scott and the team agreed to carry the torch so to speak. I know their first camps were held at Pagoda MC near Reading and then on to Doublin Gap MX near Shippensburg, Pa and although I wasn't in attendance, I hear it was a great success. You can go to their website linked at the top of the story and catch another great video that covers what a Motocross for Christ Camp looks like today..

Hence, back to the beginning of our story today. Scott called and said hey, I've only been a part of this for a few years and I'd really like to know the history. Again, I can say that I am one Blessed man because I've been apart of just about every one them. Come to think probably the first camp and the last two camps might be the only I didn't attend. Many were only one day excursions but even that is a treat. 

I know the team is currently making plans for the 2024 camp dates and location. I also know that they have their annual fundraiser coming up at the end of February. If you are looking for a worthy cause to give, please see the ink below for tickets or just to make a donation for this years camps.:

MX4C Fundraiser - Click Here

Motocross for Christ continues to thrive through its changes over the years and we pray that the new group of directors and volunteers have the very best success. Its the way God works, he sends a team to sow and reap a new team who sows and reaps a new team and the cycle continues. 

Remember Jesus said in John 8:12

"I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness" 
but will have the light of life"

Thanks to all for following our history here today. If you have been a part of camp in any way we thank you and if you would like to be a part of camp moving forward, please reach out to us. 

You can contact us easily by: Clicking Here

Current Leadership Team Members:

Scott Passerini
Rich Hollahan
Joanna Maschi
Paul Vriend
Jason Shelly - Advisor