So after my father passed I talked to my mom about moving back to her house. I knew she would like the comfort of knowing someone else was around and as I mentioned in my previous ramble, it was time for another change. So I moved home and we made some modifications to the house to give me a more private living area. I'm not really sure why other than to give me a private place to hang out and do my drugs late at night after I returned home from the bar.
You see, as in the past I found a new bar to hang out at, at least one that I hadn't frequented for a few years.. There were some of the same old faces but also a few new acquaintances thrown in for good measure. After all, I needed to expand my territory. The biggest difference with this move was that I still wasn't ready to give up the cocaine. Before I was always at a very low spot but I wasn't quite there yet. I knew at some point I needed to slow down and start thinking about getting on with my life, but not yet.
This meant more dealing to support my habit and this particular bar was larger and more of a club scene, so business was good. Matter of fact there were a number of us selling drugs there from any number of different suppliers. It seemed we were all one big happy family with plenty of business to go around.
Same deal as before, work til 8:00, drink and move drugs till midnight or so, then home alone for a few hits before trying to get to sleep for the night. This was the weekday routine, weekends were different, close the bar at 2:00 or 3:00 AM then where ever the party went, I followed and partied till dawn.
We did this day after day and week after week with no regard for other people or the law for that matter. We operated in the open and did whatever we wanted. There were a lot of close calls over time that I haven't gone into but we always seemed to skate by and that was all that mattered, the pistol stayed in the boot.and the law at bay.
Then it happened, and it happened so stinking quick that I didn't know what hit me. You see up to this point it was almost a game to see how many different girls you could get with on a weekly basis. Then one night a girl I knew who was actually an ex wife of a guy I worked with and he was a close friend but that didn't matter to me, I had no morals then. This girl, she came into the bar on a Friday night and I locked in the radar. Nothing else mattered, I was finally going to have her on this night.
It's funny, I eventually married the girl I met that night (not the one I'm speaking of now) but my beautiful wife of over 20 years always says, if you want to make God laugh just tell him your plans. We'll God had other plans for me that night. You see after about an hour or so of this, the girl I was trying to hook up with that night looked me square in the eye's and said "Jimmy forget it, it' s not happening". She did however introduce me to her girlfriend she had with her that night and the rest is history.
I sunk like a ship, head over heals in love and married within a year. It's been the greatest thing other than finding Jesus that's ever happened to me, but the madness wasn't over yet.
I met Debbie and convinced her I was the guy, actually I think she was pretty crazy about me too. We had some issues to deal with before we could get married but a year later, married we got. The problem is, I was still doing all that dumb stuff that I was when we first met. She was slowly getting me off the coke pipe, that really scared her. But we were still drinking and I was hanging at the bar when she wasn't around. I had even slowed down on the drugs because I loved this girl and then one night I ran into an old friend at the bar. He asked me if I could get him some coke and he introduced me to a friend he had with him.
I was dumb and wanted to impress my new girlfriend (this was months before we were married) so I went and picked up the drugs, took a little out for me and my new girl, then delivered the drugs to this friend of mine back at the bar.
No harm no foul, Debbie and I took off for my place and had a great night and life went on. Matter of fact we ran into these same guys a few weeks later and performed the same ritual. Life was good, a few months later we were expecting our first child, a wedding date was set and the local police were knocking on my door...